Never fall into the same error that many marriage partners have fallen into when there are serious crises, especially the kinds which tend to tear someone’s heart apart. Don’t be quick to react in a way of revenge because your action may be fuelled by an invisible and wicked being called Satan, and thereby making you cause more havoc than your partner did in the first place. What then do I do you may ask?

Firstly, remember that on no account did God give us any permission to revenge at those who hurt us. “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, ….for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” -Romans 12:19 KJV.

Revenge especially against your partner is nothing more than selfishness and ignorance. Here are some wisdom tips you need to apply if you want to save your marriage, if your partner has broken your heart:

Step #1. Be calm; hold your peace;
Step #2. Do not use curse words or utter words of regret.
Step #3. Don’t send nasty text messages. More injurious interpretation may be read from them
Step #4. Watch your thoughts; do not think of divorce.
Step #5. Do not rush out or pack out of the house. Packing out will stretch the relationship to breaking point. Cry to Jesus, and pour forth your heart to Him first and not to anyone else; Tell Jesus to help you as much as He can.
Step #6. Tarry a little bit in prayers and quietly ask Jesus, Lord, what do I do?
Step #7. Then ask yourself, ‘What action does Jesus expect me to do that will make me please Him?’. Use the Jesus’ formula, which I call W W J D (What Will Jesus Do?) If He was to be the one that was very hurt.
Step #8. Ask God for the grace to obey and do what He lays in your heart to do. Be sure the Bible supports it; of course it must glorify Jesus.
Step #9. Do not sleep on different beds/room. The more you sleep on the same bed, the closer you shorten the distance the devil tends to create between yo both.
Step #10. Do not refuse to eat in the house. Eating outside will be capitalised by the devil to set you up to meet an opposite sex; and this may lead later to sexual immorality.
Step #11.Be the first to greet on your waking moments, even if your spouse refuses to greet you. This will kill malice.
Step #12. Don’t hold him/her in unforgiveness, whether he/she says,”I am sorry or not”.
Step #13. Do not deny him/her sex, as this is one of the healing points where verbal intimacy is reinstated.
Step #14. Treat his/her family (i.e, your In-laws) better.
Step #15. Show him/her your love continuously. Buy a gift once in a while for him or her.

Love remains the only balm that heals, and it can heal every marriage wounds, no matter how deep the wounds are. JESUS The Balm of Gilead will heal your marriage, and restore back to you your lost glory in Jesus name.

For counselling please contact: WhatsApp: +2348033007996. You can also like our SCHOOL OF MARRIAGE PAGE at www.facebook.com/schoolofmarriageGFA. You can like my page Pastor Christopher Ikebuwa