Peter Obi represents that movement… Enyinnaya Nwosu


Mr Enyinnaya Nwosu was the presidential aspriant of the New Generation party in 2019 elections, in this interview with our correspondent on the growing popularity of HE Peter Obi across the globe we caught with him to xray the movement.

Nigeria democracy since its return in 1999 has really not had the desired effects on its citizenry, how would describe it and it causes?

Answer :
The biggest problem of Nigerian democracy from 1999 are the players who joined in 1999. Remember before 1999 there was a botched attempt at democracy. By 1999 when the political flag was lifted again, many political leaders especially those who may have had tutorial from first generations politician that would have ensured continuity stayed away from politics believing that the military were not serious about handling over power to civilians. This created a new set of politician called “new breed”. Most were not politically experienced and had questionable source of fund. It was mostly people with questionable sources of fund that were able to pay for their campaign or sponsor a candidate. So politics became business where people invested with expectations of profit.
So the problem of Nigerian democracy is the process through which our leaders are selected. There is a disconnection between the people and leadership. That is what we are trying to change with 2023 election.

Labour Party

You have been quite vocal with your support for the Labour party candidate, despite having two others described as well experienced what would you informed your support?

Answer :
If you remember, I was an aspirant in the 2019 presidential election. I did that because I believe that the problem of Nigeria is leadership and the process of selection of leaders. We tried to wake up Nigerians to know that they have the power to elect their leaders and for them to get very involved in politics. Today Peter Obi represents that movement of the Nigerian people to take back power from bad politicians and rebuild the nation. Peter Obi has brought back hope to hopeless Nigerians that Nigerian can be rebuilt. If you look around the issue of agitation is almost forgotten. This is because people now believe in Nigeria and are giving Nigerian a second chance. They believe they with Peter Obi every part of the country will be included in the Nigerian agenda. Also from Peter Obi’s track record, they know that the economy will be in safe and experienced hands.

Peter Obi

Nigeria is gradually heading to a failed state status with virtually all its sectors shutting down; education, manufacturing, energy security, how convinced are you that your preferred candidate would be able to navigate the ship before it wrecks if elected?

Peter Obi has a policy to move Nigeria from consumption economy to production economy. He will revive the dead and dying factories through creation of credible and sustainable SMEs. He will empower the youth and create employment. He will run a transparent government that will be all inclusive. He will fix the issues of electricity which will improve productivity.
When he achieves all these, the issue of insecurity will be drastically reduced and a conducive environment created for private sector to flourish.

Many believed that your preferred candidate might be gunning for the actualization of Biafra if elected and this has been the fears of some Nigerians in supporting him, how would allay these fears?

Answer :
The issue of Biafra is a direct consequence of the bad governance and years of marginalisation of parts of the country. It is not only in Biafra but in every part of the country. If you look around now, the issue of agitation is hardly in the news these days. This is because Peter Obi has returned hope in Nigeria. He is being supported by all parts of the country. He has not hidden his passion for a united Nigeria and need for inclusion of everyone.
With Peter Obi’s government, groups like Biafra would have opportunity to discuss freely with government and their reasons for agitation addressed.

With unemployment and inflation hitting the roof and cost of energy chasing away industries and foreign airlines, what would be your advice to Peter Obi if elected?

Answer :
With the policy of moving from consumption to production and rebuilding of the power sector, the economy will become stable and businesses both local and international will grow. Which will drive down inflation.

The youths seem to have brought change to the political landscape of Nigeria, which many have described as an aftermath of the #endsars protest of 2020, would one say Nigerian youth are ready for leadership positions?

Answer :
The “not too young to rule” and end SARS demonstration served as a catalyst to what we see today.
The Nigerian youth now believe in themselves and have come together through Peter Obi to take back their country and rebuild it.
What is happening is bigger than @PeterObi. He is only a symbol of that struggle

Would you like to rate the performance of the APC led government and also juxtapose with the performance of PDP’s 16 years and what Nigerians need going forward?


APC and PDP are like Fanta and sprite. They are all from Coca-Cola brand. No difference. They have run out of ideas, they are in government for what they can steal. APC supporters are people who are being favoured by the bad governance, PDP supporters are people APC removed from where they were stealing and they are struggling to get back into government to continue stealing. Labour Party under Peter Obi is the only party seeking to genuinely rebuild the nation

What would be your candid advice to electorates going into the election.
Answer :
The Nigerian people should be vigilant. We are fighting against a system that is very strong. They have all the money they stole to fight back. Corruption fights back when you fight it. So we must be very vigilant, strong and focused. We must make sure we vote and secure our votes to make it count. We must resist the old corrupt brigade and retire them from politics and take our country back.
Many thanks