In the bustling city of Lagos, where the rhythm of commerce and the challenges of business intertwine, Managing Business for Christ (MBFC) stood as a beacon of guidance for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the intricate world of business while upholding their faith. At the helm of this initiative was none other than the esteemed Ambassador Christopher Kolade, a charismatic leader with a passion for instilling godly principles in the business world.
For years, MBFC had been a steady hand, mentoring men and women in business on the path of righteousness, irrespective of the unique challenges faced in Nigeria’s dynamic environment. Ambassador CK, alongside Mr. David Abraham and other leaders, convened monthly meetings known as “Breakfast with the Lord.” These gatherings were essential for assessing business challenges and devising strategies to overcome them by aligning with divine principles.
The heartbeat of MBFC echoed a simple yet profound belief: that God is the ultimate owner of every venture, and only by adhering to His principles could businesses truly thrive for His glory. The initiative’s impact reverberated through the success stories of entrepreneurs who embraced integrity, honesty, and compassion as essential elements of their business endeavors.
However, the advent of Covid-19 in 2020 ushered in a new era of challenges. The virus forced MBFC to adapt, prompting a shift to virtual meetings for over three years. Despite the physical distance, the spirit of the initiative remained unbroken. The virtual meetings proved to be a testament to the resilience of MBFC, as members continued to connect, share insights, and support one another in navigating the uncharted waters of a pandemic.
As 2023 unfolded, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The management of MBFC, fueled by a commitment to inclusivity, announced a groundbreaking change – the “Breakfast with the Lord Hybrid Meeting.” This innovative approach combined the best of both worlds, allowing members from around the globe to participate, either physically or virtually.
The hybrid meeting will mark a return to physical gatherings, a symbolic triumph over the challenges posed by the pandemic. Ambassador CK, Mr. David Abraham, and the leaders eagerly awaited the reunion with members, fostering an atmosphere of camaraderie and spiritual enrichment.
The meeting is expected to unfold in a harmonious blend of the tangible and the digital. Members, old and new, will be gathered in the physical space, while faces will be illuminated by the soft glow of computer screens connecting those joining virtually. The air will be charged with a sense of unity, as participants share their experiences and celebrated the victories, both big and small, that divine principles had wrought in their businesses.
As the sun will be rising above the Lagos skyline, casting a warm glow on the city, the “Breakfast with the Lord Hybrid Meeting” will be kick starting . It will not be just a meeting; it will stand as a testament to the unwavering spirit of resilience and faith that defines MBFC. The initiative had weathered the storm of a global pandemic and emerging stronger, more connected, and more committed than ever to guiding businesses on the righteous path.
In the months that will follow, MBFC will continue to be a guiding light, illuminating the way for entrepreneurs seeking to manage their businesses for Christ.