The Federal Government has raised the cost of both single-phase and three-phase electricity meters beginning from November 15.
The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission issued a statement to this effect on Thursday, and addressed it to the managing directors, all electricity distribution companies and all meter asset providers.
The document, in which the regulator raised the price of a single-phase meter from the current cost of forty-four thousand eight hundred and ninety-six point six-nine naira to a revised price of fifty-eight thousand, six hundred and sixty-one point six nine naira, was titled Review of the unit price of end-use meters under the Meter Asset Provider and National Mass Metering Regulations.
In the document, there was also an increase in the price of a three-phase meter from the current cost of eighty-two thousand, eight hundred and fifty-five point one nine naira to a revised rate of one hundred and nine thousand, six hundred and eighty eighty-four thousand point three six naira