Over the years I have done a lot in managing and regulating some of my emotions using “THE POWER OF SILENCE”, thereby solving some life’s issues. We live in a very noisy world and our environment in particular. My concern in this piece is not to bother about the outside or environmental noise but rather the noise within the mind. I am trying not to go into psychology here. Often times the noise within the mind, brings about: anger, revenge, depression, dejection and suicidal thoughts etc. But the quietness of the mind can bring peace, joy, and also evoke; praise, worship, thanksgiving and adoration to our Creator.
So what is silence? Well on one level, it is very simple- Silence is just an absence of noise. But actually it is a bit more complicated than that. Silence is the absence of language or absence of noise. Contemporary English dictionary put it as “the act of refraining from speaking, no sound or quietness”. Nonetheless, it represents more than lack of speech, it is a communicative act that conveys specific messages and meaning to those involved. (Johannsen 1974). While power in this context is the ability to coerce, influence or control. Having said this, my concern here is the ability to control the production of sound. (Language).
We are endowed with the power to silence the noise within the mind. Noise as we know is usually various sounds that are undesirable or unpleasant. So take full control of what you accept into your mind. Silence offers that opportunity to learn more about yourself and understand your inner motivation. It is a tool for increased emotional regulation.
Silence is also the space between a feeling or response. Take a silence pause and choose your response calmly and wisely. This emotional element is very important in our facet of life. Or why it is usually encouraged in the court of law, when being arrested by a law enforcement agent or even as the scriptures admonishes. The noise within the mind can make one to cross the line of sanity. We are certainly the product of our mind. For as a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23v7.
Silence is a product of the mind. It is important that we renew our mind and guard our heart with all diligence; out of it are the issues of life.-Proverbs 4v23.
And one may ask? Is there any benefit of being silent? Silence is good for overall physical health and well-being. From a physiological standpoint, silence helps lower blood pressure, which can help prevent heart attack. Boost brain cells. Proven research confirms this. Study shows that two minutes of silence relieves tension in the body and brain. Spiritually, it renews the mind. We must make a conscious effort to learn how to calm the monkey of our mind and get it to sit down. So build up yourself and learn the act of SILENCE because it is golden.
We cannot disassociate our mind (Soul) from the spirit and body. The body will only carry out the instructions sent from the mind. So build up yourself and learn the act of SILENCE because it is golden. Meditate on those things that are true, lovely and of good report.